What The Coronavirus Vaccine Does To Your Body
Posted 3 years ago by Rolosio in category: science

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Mark (guest) - 3 years ago [ Reply ]
Left out some good points. Like a good sampling size would be 10% and this has been tested on 60k. with a population for 330 million in the US a good sample size for adverse reactions would be.....well...way off. Also why are we giving vaccines to folks that have already been exposed? I bet 30% of the population already knows they have had it. Course they arnt telling us how many strains of covid their is...last i heard 12 but that was months ago and nobodys covering. 55% of the population says they wont even take it. Maybe true or not but add on 30% who have tested positive or know they have had it.....whos this 100 Million doses going to anyway? The vaccine is way too late already but not to late for a huge gov medical money grab. We are a year in and I dont know what rock im living under but I still have nobody I know that has died from this. Some friends of friends but with a host of medical problems prior. Almost nobody in the military...extremely small amount of children. In 1918 the red cross was telling everyone gauze masks are 99% effective against spanish flu...like to see those published stats...In 100 years and we havent advanced. N95 masks are very good...I havent seen a N95 mask in the public for months...yah for tshirt masks nobody is washing. Fear sure does get things done. Like a huge spending problem the average American thinks is no big deal. Foreclosures coming next month but nobody cares about them poor people that haven't been wearing masks from the start. We had two terminally ill homeless folks down at our mission die. That was it. Kinda surprised me too for our at risk homeless.

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